For those just starting out in the world of crafting, crochet and knitting can be daunting. But which one is easier to learn? And which one is more versatile? For beginners looking for comfort and versatility, we suggest crochet. Tools and techniques are minimized and therefore a little more accessible. It's very easy to learn as a self-taught hobby.
For those looking to master a wider range of tools, consider knitting. As someone who has been knitting since I was 8 years old and crocheting since I was 13, I want to end this argument for good. In general, crocheting is easier than knitting. Crochet using a 26% hook does not require the movement of stitches between the needles, and is less likely to fall apart.
After learning the 5 basic crochet stitches, crocheters notice that their project works faster. The main difference between knitting and crocheting is the technique involved. For knitting, two long needles are used to form loops that move from one needle to another. The stitches are held on the needle and the fabric is created by building rows one above the other. The crochet hook uses a single hook to form loops directly on the fabric. These loops are created one at a time, and they look more like knots than stitches.
While knit stitches resemble a “V” shape, crochet stitches resemble small knots. Crochet is easier than knitting because knitting involves working with two needles and lots of sharp stitches, whereas crochet only uses one hook and one live stitch. Crochet hooks aren't that different from pens, but knitting needles are long and pointed and I've heard of a lot of poor knitters losing their (metal) needles to scanners. Crochet stitches tend to be larger than their knit counterparts, which means that less time is needed to create the same surface area. Check out a visual knitting or crocheting tutorial so you can see how and where to place your hands, utensils, and yarn.
The yarn costs the same amount and, in most cases, a beginner knitting kit will cost about the same amount as the crochet equivalent. There are a lot of variables to consider when trying to figure out which craft uses the most yarn, knit or crochet. Ultimately, this will depend on the pattern you follow, but crochet stitches tend to be larger and less efficient in yarn than knit stitches. If you want to create a thick, sturdy blanket that is similar to a blanket, it is recommended to use crochet. There is also a differentiation between the “right side” and the “wrong side” of your knitting, which is not so much of a problem in crochet.
Crochet stitches tend to be larger than knit stitches, which means you'll make more progress in each row. There are many different ways to do color work in crochet, but color work from tapestries and intarsia crochet doesn't look as good as knitting. The initial stages of starting a new crochet or knitting project always involve some inevitable mistakes, and being able to redo them quickly and easily is vital to success. With a basic knowledge of knitting and crochet, you'll have the freedom to choose the best option for each project, and even combine the two techniques. In the table below, you can compare the pros and cons of knitting versus crocheting based on your level of difficulty, speed, versatility, and more.